Michelle’s colds & coughs have been relieved, now she rarely see a doctor because her health is excellent!



Michelle sebelum ini sangat mudah mengidapi batuk dan selsema. Oleh itu, dia amat bergantung kepada ubat preskripsi doktor untuk melegakan gejala tersebut. Dia mengunjungi klinik sekali setiap 3 bulan semata-mata untuk mencukupkan bekalan ubat batuk & selsema kepada dirinya. Setiap pagi, dia sering membersin dan hidung berair. Doktor telah memberi ubat seperti Ryvel (cetirizine), Rhinos Junior dan Imboost kepadanya. Sejak dia telah diperkenalkan kepada MC-Ocean, dia telah minum Enerfiber & Ener Al Kurma untuk membantu mempertingkatkan kesihatan fizikal. Michelle juga minum air alkali terionisasi dari Eionizer. Kini, selsema & batuknya telah berjaya dikurangkan. Dia tidak perlu berjumpa doktor sekerap dahulu lagi!

Michelle 很容易咳嗽和感冒。 因此,她必须依赖医生处方,每3个月就诊买药一次。 早上,她经常打喷嚏和流鼻涕。 医生给她开了Ryvel(西替利嗪), Junior Rhinos 和 Imboost 维生素。在接触公司产品之后,她每天都喝 Enerfabir 和 Ener Al Kurma,以帮助加强身体健康。 再加上每天饮用 Eionizer 离子化碱性水,Michelle的感冒和咳嗽大大得到缓解,现在她很少去看医生,因为她的健康状况非常好!

Michelle is prone to cough and cold. Hence, she has to rely on doctor prescription, visiting clinic every 3 months. In the morning, she often sneezes and has runny nose. Doctors had prescribed her Ryvel (cetirizine), Junior Rhinos and Imboost vitamin. Since she was introduced to MC-Ocean, she had been drinking Enerfabir & Ener Al Kurma to aid in strengthening of physical health. Plus drinking ionized alkaline water from Eionizer, Michelle’s colds & coughs have been relieved, now she rarely see a doctor because her health is excellent!


杨弘玮 said...

今天是 McOcean Elite Training的第一天,我学到了网络分销的八大重要,那就是要有好的心态、资金、时间、每会必到、改变、专业、生活以及健康。也学到了很多产品知识是平时在训练的时候没什么机会学到的。比如McOcean Eionizer, 原来这小小的碱性水机里面包含了那么多功能,天天喝可以让我们的身体远离疾病,越来越健康。然后也了解了代餐产品 McOcean EnerBest及McOcean EnerABC的功效,除了可以让我们果腹,也能降低我们的胆固醇及维持体重,是减肥人士的救星啊!然后也了解了逆龄产品McOcean EnerXel, 如何从内到外改善我们的身体,延缓身体衰老的问题。最后是学会了如何使用McOcean Skincare Products, 让我们的脸容光焕发。谢谢KP Kiwii 今天的分享。

Aw Wai Kee (Dr Spraycial) said...

2nd Day 15th April Elite training.
Today provided very good training on product of Mc Ocean Ener Al*Kurma, Enertri, Enertri Riceberry and Enertri Pro.
Also provided good training on system protocols and Networking and marketing.
I feel like after the Elite training will transform a person into a good and responsible.
Which I myself find it very useful.

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