After 2 months of usage, you can see that my face no longer has any red pimples and inflamed pores.


Foo Kenrick

Atas kesibukan hidup sebagai seorang mahasiswa, saya sentiasa tidur lewat untuk menyiapkan kerja kursus & mengulangkaji pelajaran. Oleh itu kesihatan kulit saya semakin merosot. Saya telah mengalami kulit muka yang berminyak, dan berjerawat di samping liang roma yang tersumbat & meradang. Semasa mencari produk penjagaan kulit, saya telah menemui Serywn Skincare Series dan saya telah mencubanya. Setelah 2 bulan menggunakannya, kelihatan kulit muka saya tidak lagi berjerawat merah dan liang roma yang meradang telah hilang. Terima kasih MC-Ocean! 

我的⼤大学⽣生活很忙碌,有时忙到整夜没得睡觉。 因此,我⽪皮肤的健康逐渐恶化,肌肤开始变得⾮非常油腻,⻓长很多⻘青春痘和⽑毛孔发 炎。 在寻找着适合的护肤产品时,我认识了了Serywn护肤系列列,并开始尝试。 使⽤用2个⽉月后,您可以看到我的脸不不再有任何红红的⻘青 春痘和发炎的⽑毛孔了了。 谢谢MC-Ocean! 

My college life is very hectic and busy, sometimes I stay up a whole day without sleep. Hence my skin health has been progressively getting worsen, I started having very oily skin, pimples and inflamed pores on my face. In my search for skincare products, I discover Serywn Skincare Series and started trying it out. After 2 months of usage, you can see that my face no longer has any red pimples and inflamed pores. Thank you MC-Ocean! 

1 comment:

Aw Wai Kee (Dr Spraycial group) said...

3rd Day Elite Training.
The Training teaches me to know my vision in McOcean and to have my goals.
To achieve my goals with McOcean, I must state down clearly what is my goals with a firm time frame and must continue be aggressively involved myself in activities together my teammates, upline & leaders.
I must work together with my team and continuously and provide regular feedback to my upline and upline KP.
I must be positive and always stay close contact with my team.
Very touching and emotional of event closing day. Success.

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