My leg wound has shown positive recovery and in 3 weeks time, the wound has completely dried and closed up!


Saya mengalami kecederaan pada tendon kaki kanan semasa mengangkat benda berat di tempat kerja. Oleh sebab persekitaran tempat kerja yang kotor, luka saya mengalami infeksi yang teruk sehingga peredaran darah kaki terbantut (kulit kaki saya kelihatan biru). Semasa saya mendapat rawatan di hospital, saya mula minum Enertri secara konsisten. Setelah hanya 1 minggu penggunaan, luka kaki saya semakin bertambah baik. Dalam 3 minggu, luka telah mengering & menutup sepenuhnya!

我在工地帮忙搬重物时,发生了一场意外导致我的右腿肌腱撕裂!加上工地的肮脏环境,我的伤口马上就收到了感染,并且恶化至血液不循环的程度(右脚缺氧呈现紫蓝色)。在住医院的时候,我开始每天勤服用 Enertri。仅仅在1星期内,我的腿部伤口就出现了明显的愈合,并且在 3 星期内,我的伤口就已经完全干和闭合了!

I have suffered from a torn tendon and a big laceration wound due to an accident from lifting heavy objects at work. Due to the unclean working environment, my wound was infected and it worsens to a point that the blood circulation of the foot was severed (my feet skin became blue). After staying in hospital for some time, I started drinking Enertri regularly. After just 1 week of consumption, my leg wound has shown positive recovery and in 3 weeks time, the wound has completely dried and closed up!

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