Low Blood Pressure.


Low blood pressure, also known as Hypotension, is diagnosed when blood pressure is 90/60 mm/Hg or below. Low blood pressure would lead to inadequate blood flow to the heart, brain, and other vital organs. People with low blood pressure may suffer from dizziness and lightheadedness. 

Common causes of hypotension include dehydration and electrolyte loss, which may result from diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss during menstruation, aging, disease or drug use. 

A diet rich in minerals or electrolyte intake may help in regulating the low blood pressure. One should do light exercise regularly to promote blood flow and avoid alcohol and caffeine drinks.

For elderlies, EnerXEL contains valuable botanical stem cells of Morocco argan tree chlorophylls, Switzerland Uttwiler Spätlauber apple, French red-flesh grape and micro-collagen from the superb peptide of particular carrot, which would activate the quiescent cells inside our body to repair and regenerate, delaying aging of organs and strengthen our circulatory system.

While for patients, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, Enertri contains nano-sized α–polysaccharide peptides that can be instantly absorbed by epidermal and connective cells, aiding in nourishment and prevent tissue from aging by infection damage and stress.

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