After regular spray for about a week, my scars are completely healed.


Trying out new shoes have causes irritation to my feet, and it's so itchy that I accidentally wounded my feet with scratches; at the same time, I got a cut under my knee from felling. With a basic understanding of Dr. Spraycial, I immediately disinfect my wounds with Dr. Spraycial. After regular spray for about a week, my scars are completely healed, and there are no longer any redness and itching. 

我的脚在穿新鞋后,敏感发红发痒,太痒抓到至受伤;之前也因为跌倒,膝盖下有一道长长的挂伤口。因为知道名洋矿泉喷雾(Dr. Spraycial) 有杀菌功效,所以我在发红发痒的伤口上喷上名洋矿泉喷雾(Dr. Spraycial) 使用了一个星期之后,我的伤口完全复合了,也不再有发红发痒的状态。
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